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Tips for Building Your Accounting Software Tech Stack

professionals discuss their accounting software tech stack

5 Important Considerations When Evaluating Accounting Software Options

One of the best ways to gain financial efficiencies for your business is to implement an accounting software tech stack. But how do you know what components to include to meet your company’s needs? The following considerations can help you decide.

#1 – Your business’s specific needs and goals

It’s important to start the process of building your accounting tech stack by taking time to understand what you need your software to accomplish. This process should be driven by your business’s specific needs and future goals. What are you hoping to accomplish? Some objectives may include:

  • Efficiencies in your internal processes
  • Enhanced data security and job segregation
  • Clean and accurate real-time data at your fingertips
  • Streamlined communications between the cost and revenue centers of your business
  • Workflow automation

Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can begin evaluating various software options based on their ability to help you achieve these goals.

#2 – Cost and potential return on investment (ROI)

It’s important to identify an accounting software option that fits within your budget. However, it’s also important to consider the potential ROI of streamlining your accounting functions. An accounting program that minimizes employee involvement and delivers efficiencies across various functions has the potential to save you significantly in the long run, which is why it’s important to consider not only the upfront cost but also the software’s potential long-term ROI.

#3 – Integration capabilities

Integration is critical if your business is reliant on existing financial software for other functions. Integrating your e-commerce platforms, customer payment systems and accounting software allows your business to streamline its operations and help ensure consistent data is available throughout the organization.

For example, if a customer makes an online purchase, are the details of the sale automatically shared with the accounting system, allowing your team to seamlessly access data and manage every aspect of the sale?

Building an integrated accounting system can help your company improve its financial management capabilities, reduce dependency on manual entry and minimize the occurrence of errors, discrepancies and omissions across various financial functions.

#4 – The ability to grow alongside your business

Another important consideration is whether your accounting software stack is scalable. As your company grows over time, your software will need to keep up. Make sure any potential software is flexible enough to accommodate increasing data and an ever-growing number of customers as your business expands.

#5 – Data security

It’s absolutely vital that your accounting software has up-to-date security protocols in place to protect both your company’s and your customers’ data. Minimum security features to look for include data encryption, audit trails and access controls. Your software provider should have processes in place to regularly evaluate and update its security features. Could you use help implementing an accounting software stack to meet your business’s needs? Creative Planning Business Services is here for you. We help business owner clients identify and implement a wide range of solutions to support their growth and success. To learn more, schedule a call with a member of our team

This commentary is provided for general information purposes only, should not be construed as investment, tax or legal advice, and does not constitute an attorney/client relationship. Past performance of any market results is no assurance of future performance. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed.

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